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The BC Studies in China Alumni Network (BCSCAN) was established in 2016 as an initiative between the Chinese Consulate General in Vancouver and BC Council for International Education to help BC students understand the unique opportunities and the many benefits of pursuing post-secondary studies in China. Based on its success and growth of its members, in 2018 BCSCAN became the Studies in China Alumni Society of British Columbia (SCAS-BC) and officially incorporated under the BC Society Act.

SCAS-BC is designed to:

  • Provide a platform for BC-based students and alumni with study or Co-op experience in China
  • Build upon and further develop knowledge and skills related to China
  • Connect with government and non-government organizations and colleagues with interests i...
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Mica Jesen, Simon Fraser University, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Copenhagen, Denmark

Mica Jensen studies history and political science at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC. She has chosen Copenhagen as her exchange destination to learn more about her family’s Danish roots and explore the country’s rich history. The Vikings of dark-age Europe are of particular interest to her, and she hopes to visit some of the world-famous museums in Scandinavia. In tandem with her historical studies, Mica hopes to learn more about the functions of the European Union, and the broader political institutions in Europe. She can blend her studies in history and political science in a course concerning Brexit; a...

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Brianna Condilenios, Simon Fraser University, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: the Netherlands

Brianna is an aspiring elementary teacher from Simon Fraser University. A travel and education enthusiast, she is beyond thrilled to have the opportunity to study in Maastricht, the Netherlands. Brianna is especially excited to try different styles of learning as she hopes to provide the most engaging and exciting learning experience for her future students. Brianna is increasingly learning how to trust herself in new and challenging situations. By immersing herself in a new culture, she hopes to strengthen her intercultural communication skills and rip open her ways of understanding the world. She truly belie...

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Meaghan Laycock, Simon Fraser University, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Lausanne, Switzerland

Meaghan Laycock is a third-year student at Simon Fraser University (SFU), majoring in French and doing an extended minor in Political Science. Her goal is to become a French immersion teacher as her passion is working with young children and helping to shape future generations. When studying at SFU, Meaghan works as a lifeguard, swimming instructor, and first aid instructor. Starting in September 2019, Meaghan spent 7 months studying in Switzerland at the University of Lausanne (UNIL). She took courses in French linguistics, as well as other topics related to language education and the sociology of language....

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Gabriela Rivera, University of Victoria, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: France

Gabriela is a fourth-year Political Science student at the University of Victoria, and she is currently living abroad in France while she pursues a certificate in International Affairs and Strategy at Sciences Po.

Once she completed her French Language and Culture requirements back home, she felt the need to experience France, its language, and culture in person. Therefore, she took the initiative to apply to the University of Sciences Po, one of the most prestigious political science universities in Europe. A semester abroad at Sciences Po was the perfect opportunity to improve her french while studying at a univers...

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Georgia Rodgers​, North Island College​, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Heidelberg, Germany

The born and raised Vancouver Islander, Georgia Rodgers, is in her third year of a business administration degree at North Island College in the Comox Valley. Georgia has had a dream of opening a business as an event planner for the past several years. She has been abroad twice; her first abroad experience was being an intern for Disney World, and the second was spent studying in Heidelberg, Germany. She has a huge passion for travel and is hoping to spend the summer backpacking around Europe on her own. Her goal is to visit all 7 continents.

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Kirsten Chan, Capilano University, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Scotland

Kirsten is currently a third-year student at Capilano University (North Vancouver, BC) pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Tourism Management. The outcome of this program will allow her to pursue a career in the Ecotourism industry where she can help encourage travels to BC while educating and practising sustainable efforts. Kirsten grew up in her current hometown of north Delta and many of her skills and qualification have been inherited from this energizing city. Kirsten can be described as humorous, outgoing and kind. However, as she stepped into the real world full of responsibilities and reached self-actualization, character...

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Theresa Doan​, Simon Fraser University, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Singapore

Theresa is a fourth-year sustainable business student completing her degree at the Beedie School of Business at Simon Fraser University. Simultaneously, she is pursuing a certificate in sustainable development. Outside of her studies, Theresa has a passion for community outreach. She has channelled this through her volunteer work with UNICEF SFU where she has held various positions including Vice President of Finance. Her other interests include dance. As a classically trained dancer for over ten years, she has found commercial success in the Vancouver Industry. 

She believes it is important to experience oth...

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Thank you to everyone who participated in our scholarship!

We are pleased to announce the winners of the spring 2020 Stories from Abroad: British Columbia Study Abroad Scholarship.

Congratulations to: 

  1. Brianna Condilenios, Simon Fraser University
  2. Gabriella Presgrave, Simon Fraser University
  3. Georgia Rodgers, North Island College
  4. Kirsten Chan, Capilano University
  5. ...
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Embark on a journey to deepen your understanding of the preservation of our natural environment while broadening your intercultural awareness by discovering the unique culture of the first people of southern New Zealand – a tribe of Māori known as Kai Tahu.

Sustainability in Nature

Take the opportunity to engage with the natural environment and learn the skills to make a real difference to the future of our planet. Use evidence-based frameworks and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to plan a relevant project in your local context.

New Zealand’s stunning mountains, forests and waterways are the perfect settings for a life-changing overseas experience. Enhance your awareness and deepen your knowledge of sustainability and systems thinking, that is, the a...

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