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By: Brianna Condilenios, Simon Fraser University, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Netherlands

The idea of studying abroad always enamoured me with a dazzling pizzaz; the thrilling new adventures and warm friendships coupled with the opportunity to add a rich layer of perspective to my education. So many people to meet, places to go, things to learn, and foods to try. I spent hours ogling over quaint fairytale looking places in Western Europe on Pinterest. While all of this European dreaming was extremely exciting, it was also just a tad overwhelming. I felt a consistent pressure to see as much as possible in my seven months abroad. This try-to-do-everything-as-fast-as-possible mindset was stamped into my DNA by this po...

Category: Student Blog
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BC Study Abroad is excited to announce the launch of its seventh annual BC Study Abroad Photo contest. We are inviting all students who have previously studied abroad to share their favourite study abroad photo memories for a chance to win a GoPro Hero 8 (sponsored by Recruitment in Canada Study and Go Abroad!). Each photo submitted will count as an entry. You can enter as many photos as you want to increase your chances of winning. Submit using the online BC Study Abroad Photo Contest form. Deadline for entry is October 15, 2021. For contest details, visit the contest page. Want some inspiration? Visit the...

Category: News Article
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By: Brianna Condilenios, Simon Fraser University, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Netherlands

Openness: the quality of being receptive to new ideas, opinions, or arguments; open-mindedness. This calls for active listeners who do not wish to have their expectations confirmed, but who bring with them a certain curiosity and openness to the world.


The sheer amount of diversity on this planet inspires me. The world is bursting with brilliant cultures, people, languages, places, food, music, and countless other marvellous wonders. There is simply so much to learn, experience, and love. For me this sort of magnitude translates into a...

Category: Student Blog
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By: Theresa Doan, Simon Fraser University, winner of the spring 2020 BC Study Abroad Scholarship

Study Abroad Destination: Singapore

Religion has never been a large part of who I am, but in recent years, I have made more of an effort to understand the religion my mother used to heavily practice. My mom, being the only person in my family who is religious, taught us some of the larger Buddhist practices growing up. Throughout the years, we practiced less and less, and my little connection to the culture and religion was diminishing. The past three years, on Lunar New Year, I have gone to the temple my family and I used to go to growing up, and have prayed for success and happiness for my family for the new year. I would go by myself...

Category: Student Blog
