Trisha Bhamra, Camosun College

Trisha Bhamra, Camosun College, winner of the BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship

This is Trisha Bhamra, a second-year Dental Hygiene student at Camosun College. She was born and raised in Punjab, India and moved to Kelowna, BC with her family about 13 years ago. She loves exploring and immersing herself in different cultures. She believes it makes her spiritually more well-rounded. When asked about the idea of a fulfilling life, the first thing that comes to Trisha’s mind is travelling. During her time on this planet, she would like to have experienced as many different cultures as possible. Trisha admires and respects the cultural differences and similarities. With the help of the BCSA scholarship, she will have the opportunity this summer to attend a field school in Mexico for a few weeks. She will be working alongside local health care providers and a Dental Hygiene team from Camosun in providing basic oral health care service to the people of San Francisco, Mexico. She is ecstatic about sharing her experiences with everyone this summer so be sure to follow her journey through her blog posts.

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