Adele Mark, University of Victoria, winner of the Fall 2021 BC Study Abroad: Stories from Abroad Scholarship
Study Abroad Destination: Menton, France
Adele is a fourth-year undergraduate student studying Sociology and Global Development Studies at the University of Victoria. Originally from Los Angeles, Adele moved to Salt Spring Island, BC in Grade 10 with her family, for an exciting change of pace. She studied French throughout high school and university, shaping a dream to study abroad in France to improve her language skills and experience French culture. In pursuit of this dream, she will be studying at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris in Menton, France in January 2022. During her exchange, she hopes to widen her view of other cultures and people, visit historically significant landmarks, and of course, eat lots and lots of delicious food! In her free time, Adele works for a local non-profit organization as a Communication and Marketing Specialist and she also enjoys swimming, knitting and making others laugh.
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