New York City. What an extraordinary city for art lovers. Art is everywhere, from museums to galleries, in the streets, subways and parks. It's a heady mix.
One day to go. New York awaits, Venice calls. I’m heading out to study with the Fine Arts Department field school from Kwantlen Polytechnic University. We’ve had an intense three weeks of studying contemporary art, getting ready. Unearthing a few of the secrets of how artists have changed the face of New York over the past decades, inhabiting Soho, then the East Village, moving on to Williamsburg and now clustering in Chelsea. Each time artists move into a cheap, rundown area that allows them to create without having a major cash flow problem the juggernaut of gentrification railroads in.
Travel opens minds, and builds a platform upon which the fertile intellect of a young person can structure, and prosper.
Travel embeds culture and the manner of man's development into the soul of the traveler. We witnesses new things, sights, and pleasures. We expose our hearts to the vision and sounds of new beliefs, life styles, and eons of history.
Travels welcomes the traveler, to places and things, never seen before, foods, and dress, customs, and societal layers that illustrate the purpose of man's endeavor.